
Websites, Music and other Media

Hello, my name is Tommy Nowicki

I have been designing websites since 2001 and I love it. Web design has changed so much since I started, and it has been for the better. Now it is easier than ever for anyone to put something online, so why do you even need me? Well, I'm the best at what I do and what I do is personal... personalized websites.

Web Designer

Web Designer

  • Web Design
  • Marketing
  • SEO
  • Socials
  • Videos
  • Customer Engagement

You could get a template and start hacking at the html and CSS and watch a bunch of YouTube videos, but will it have that pop? Will it be unique? Will it be special? Tell you what, if you think you can do it, I encourage it, email me any questions you have, and I will help you for free. That’s right for free. If you just want it done right now and you are on a budget, then I am here for you.

Here are some great examples of my work



Check out my music page click here

I know, big dreams right. Well I have been fortunate enough to have been cast in some super cool Indy films. Like "Not Another Zombie Movie", "Leaf Blower Massacre 2" and a few others. If you would like a full list of my acting credits, please visit my IMDB page. If you are casting and came across my page, yes, I would love to audition if you think I am right for the part. I am always trying to push my own bonders and experiment with characters. I have also written a screenplay. It is a "Post-Apocalyptic Adventure". Shoot me an email let's see if we can't make something

Thank you!

Enough about me, tell me about you. You seem like you might need a website and are searching for options. I would be more than happy to give you a quote for free.

Get in touch

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